Splinter Meeting: E-Science & Virtual Observatory

Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2015, Kiel, Germany



H. Enke, K. Polsterer, J.K. Wambsganss

Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics is increasingly dependent on the public availability and accessibility of astronomical data sets. The huge and growing amounts of data produced by large area photometric and spectroscopic surveys, data intensive instruments like LOFAR, high resolution simulations, and many other facilities pose new challenges to both information technology and data processing algorithms. The new generation of dedicated survey telescopes like LSST aim for unveiling the variable sky. Astronomers will need new methods and techniques to make use of these data-intense projects. Further, the distribution of these data sets among collaborations or the whole community requires new approaches.

The questions of data infrastructure in astronomy and standardised access are addressed by the Virtual Observatory (VO) and several Grid and Cloud Computing projects. Together these approaches aim at providing suitable tools and research environments aiding scientists in essentially all fields of astronomy. Data management, data access, and data publication are considered key aspects. Also, the analysis of huge data sets requires new approaches in data mining.


We invite you to share your experiences and ideas, learn from successful applications, and discuss problems, obstacles and challenges in the field.


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us

Harry Enke:     henke [at] aip [dot] de

Kai Polsterer: kai.polsterer [at] h-its [dot] org

Joachim Wambsganss: jkw [at] ari [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de