ETC verification¶
The “ETC Requirements Specification”, VIS-SPE-4MOST-47110-1740-0001 document describes how the ETC works and which TOAD data should be used (e.g. average fibre area, effective telescope area, etc.). This document lists some tests designed to check intermediate steps as well as the final product (S/N curve) of the ETCs. This test report will be only partially comprehensible without a close read of the specification..
The comparison data were obtained from TOAD. TOAD models the 4MOST instrument extensively and as accurately as possible at this stage of the development. TOAD is therefore considered to be closest to reality. The version of the TOAD validation data, used in all tests, can be found in the Gitlab repository.
In some spectrograph arms, typically green/red, in the bottom panels one sees large P-Cygni-like residuals coming from emission or absorption lines. These residuals can get much higher than our limit of 5%. They are due to the difference in the resolution of the input spectra/transmission curves and the difference in the interpolation techniques. E.g. TOAD sky emission and transmission spectra have 650,000 resolution elements. 4FS has 100,000. Therefore, these spikes in the residual are of no consequence and do not influence the results or conclusions.
The selected wavelengths of the tests are:
spectrograph |
arm |
Bin #25 |
Bin #2950 |
Bin #5400 |
lrs |
blue |
370.81 nm |
462.61 nm |
536.19 nm |
lrs |
green |
524.86 nm |
623.36 nm |
701.94 nm |
lrs |
red |
692.15 nm |
821.58 nm |
924.95 nm |
hrs |
blue |
392.80 nm |
414.96 nm |
431.82 nm |
hrs |
green |
516.27 nm |
545.69 nm |
568.15 nm |
hrs |
red |
610.32 nm |
645.32 nm |
672.01 nm |
These pixels are indicated as stars in the verification plots.
Test #1: Coupling to fibre flux¶
Testing if the coupling from total to fibre flux is correctly done. Compares the number of electrons per pixel for each spectrograph without sky. Full line is TOAD (reference), dashed line is 4FS ETC. None of the selected pixels (indicated as stars) has a higher than indicated tolerance.
The success condition of test 1 has been fulfilled, and 4FS is consistent with TOAD.
target_airmass: 1.2
seeing: 0.8 arcsec
dit: 20 min
ndit: 1
template: white
magnitude: 16 mag
mag_system: ab
tolerance: 5%
The test includes variations of:
spectrograph (hrs, lrs)
target seeing (0.45 arcsec, 0.89 arcsec, 1.34 arcsec, 1.78 arcsec, 2.23 arcsec)
target_shape (point, flat)
Test #2: Re-binning and instrument convolving¶
Here we test if the projection of emission lines on the instrument pixel borders is correct. The plots below show the output spectra for lines with varying center and line width. The test is about the FWHM and the recovered flux of each line, which is within 5% (original requirement is 10%).
target_airmass: 1.2
seeing: 0.8 arcsec
dit: 20 min
ndit: 1
template: line
target_shape: point
tolerance: 7%
The test includes variations of:
spectrograph (hrs, lrs)
line_fwhm_scaling (0.7, 3.0)
line_offset (0.2 pix, 0.0 pix, 0.5 pix)
Test #3: SNR scaling with exposure time¶
Testing if the SNR per pixel scales correctly with exposure time and with NDIT. This compares a point source. Compares the SNR per pixel for each spectrograph without sky flux for different exposure times. Full line is TOAD (reference), dashed line is 4FS ETC. None of the selected pixels (indicated as stars) has a higher than indicated tolerance. The SNR of the long exposure time is within 1% of √2 times the SNR of the short exposure time.
seeing: 0.8 arcsec
template: white
target_airmass: 1.2
target seeing: 0.89 arcsec
magnitude: 12 mag
mag_system: ab
target_shape: point
tolerance: 5%
The test includes variations of:
spectrograph (hrs, lrs)
dit (10 min, 20 min)
ndit (1, 2)
Test #4: Sky brightness¶
Testing the sky brightness. Assume a sky fibre observation, no target flux. Full line is TOAD (reference), dashed line is 4FS ETC. None of the selected pixels (indicated as stars) has a higher than indicated tolerance.
target_airmass: 1.2
seeing: 0.8 arcsec
dit: 20 min
ndit: 1
tolerance: 7%
The test includes variations of:
spectrograph (hrs, lrs)
sky_brightness (dark, gray, bright, superbright)
Test #5/7: “Real” spectra and end-to-end performance¶
These tests are performed with “real” spectra. First, the resulting spectra are compared with TOAD. Full line is TOAD (reference), dashed line is 4FS ETC (test #5). None of the selected pixels (indicated as stars) has a higher than indicated tolerance.
Then, the SNR calculated by TOAD is converted into “Rules” and “Rulesets” files, which are used by the ETC to calculate the exposure time. The exposure time for the given SNR is recalculated by the ETC and compared with the original time (20 min) (test #7). The calculated exposure time together with its deviation is shown in the plot. It is always within the required tolerance.
The wavelength ranges for the rules are:
spectrograph |
arm |
wavelength range |
hrs |
blue |
413.0 … 415.0 nm |
hrs |
green |
551.0 … 553.0 nm |
hrs |
red |
641.0 … 643.0 nm |
lrs |
blue |
413.0 … 415.0 nm |
lrs |
green |
551.0 … 553.0 nm |
lrs |
red |
725.0 … 727.0 nm |
target_airmass: 1.2
seeing: 0.8 arcsec
target_shape: point
target seeing: 0.89 arcsec
filter: Generic_Johnson.V
dit: 20 min
ndit: 1
tolerance: 7%
The test includes variations of:
spectrograph (hrs, lrs)
sky_brightness (dark, gray, bright)
template (Pickles_A0V, Kinney_starb1)
magnitude (16 mag, 21 mag, 23 mag)
mag_system (ab, vega)
Test #8: Extended source and airmass¶
These tests are performed with “real” spectra in different target shapes, magnitudes, seeings, airmasses and sky brightnesses. First, the resulting spectra are compared with TOAD. Full line is TOAD (reference), dashed line is 4FS ETC. None of the selected pixels (indicated as stars) has a higher than indicated tolerance.
Then, the SNR calculated by TOAD is converted into “Rules” and “Rulesets” files, which are used by the ETC to calculate the exposure time. The exposure time for the given SNR is recalculated by the ETC and compared with the original time (20 min). The calculated exposure time together with its deviation is shown in the plot. It is always within the required tolerance.
The wavelength ranges for the rules are:
spectrograph |
arm |
wavelength range |
hrs |
blue |
413.0 … 415.0 nm |
hrs |
green |
551.0 … 553.0 nm |
hrs |
red |
641.0 … 643.0 nm |
lrs |
blue |
413.0 … 415.0 nm |
lrs |
green |
551.0 … 553.0 nm |
lrs |
red |
725.0 … 727.0 nm |
seeing: 0.8 arcsec
mag_system: ab
filter: Generic_Johnson.V
dit: 20 min
ndit: 1
tolerance: 7%
The test includes variations of:
spectrograph (hrs, lrs)
target_airmass (1.2, 1.8, 1.0, 1.3)
target seeing (0.88 arcsec, 1.13 arcsec, 0.82 arcsec, 0.91 arcsec)
sky_brightness (gray, bright, dark)
template (Pickles_A0V, Kinney_starb1)
magnitude (16 mag, 21 mag, 23 mag)
target_shape (point, sersic, flat)
sersic_index (-1.0, 0.56, 1.0, 4.12)
sersic_reff (-1.0 arcsec, 0.523 arcsec, 1.0 arcsec, 2.14 arcsec)