Level 1 pipeline data output
This module takes an ETC output spectrum table (created with
), adds the noise, and then
converts the result into a format similar to the L1 pipeline
output. Both per-arm and joined output files can be generated.
The L1 pipeline output is described in VIS-TNO-4MOST-47110-0143-0001.
Note that this is not a full simulation of the L1 pipeline. Specifically,
it derives the instrument parameters (sensitivity, …) from the values given
in the ETC and not from calibration files.
For the examples, we assume that we created an exposure result with
these lines:
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from qmostetc import QMostObservatory, SEDTemplate
>>> # Prepare observation
>>> observatory = QMostObservatory('lrs')
>>> obs = observatory(45*u.deg, 1.3*u.arcsec, 'gray')
>>> # Create an exposure with a sample target
>>> target = SEDTemplate('Pickles_G0V')(15*u.ABmag, 'GAIA2r.G')
>>> obs.set_target(target, 'point')
>>> texp = 1200 * u.s
>>> tbl = obs.expose(texp)
class qmostetc.L1DXU(observatory, table, texp, binwidth=None, with_noise=True)
Simulate the exposure and L1 pipeline. The L1 DXU
- Parameters:
- table
Output table of QMostObservation.expose()
- observatory
Corresponding observatory (LRS or HRS).
- texp
Exposure time [s].
- binwidth
New wavelength array binning [Å]. Default (None
) is to
use 0.25 Å for LRS and 0.05 Å for HRS.
- with_noise
Whether to add random noise. Defaults to True
, but can
be set to False
for debugging purposes.
Create both the by-arm and joined spectra for the example
observation above and save them to disk:
>>> from qmostetc import L1DXU
>>> # Create the DXU output wrapper
>>> dxu = L1DXU(observatory, tbl, texp)
>>> # Write individual L1 files
>>> for arm_name in observatory.keys():
... dxu.per_arm(arm_name).writeto(f'l1_obs_{arm_name}.fits', overwrite=True)
>>> # Write the joined file
>>> dxu.joined().writeto('l1_obs_joined.fits', overwrite=True)
Return the arm specific wavelength array
This array is regularly binned, with the bin width given in
the constructor, and covers the range of the spectrograph arm.
- Parameters:
- arm_name
Spectrograph arm name (‘blue’, ‘green’, or ‘red’)
- Returns:
Wavelength array [Å]
Return the wavelength array of the blue arm:
>>> dxu.wavelength('blue')
<Quantity [3700.25, 3700.5 , ..., 5539.25, 5539.5 ] Angstrom>
Return the (arm specific) sensitivity function
This function is created from
the ADC gain,
the spectrograph sensitivity,
the spectrograph binwidth,
the telescope throughput,
the telescope area
It converts the adu counts into the flux at the entry of the
The values of the array correspond to the wavelenghths that
can be retrieved with wavelength()
- Parameters:
- arm_name
Spectrograph arm name (‘blue’, ‘green’, or ‘red’)
- Returns:
Sensitivity factors [erg/(cm² adu)]
Give the sensitivity array for the blue arm:
>>> dxu.sensitivity('blue')
<Quantity [3.79301664e-15, ..., 3.87516497e-15] erg / (adu cm2)>
Return the uncalibrated L1 table for an individual arm
This adds some noise to the input table and rebins to the
fixed-binned wavelength array. It assumes a perfect sky
subtraction, i.e. the the FLUX and FLUX_NOSS columns
just differ by the simulated sky.
Note that different from the DXU description, this is a
conventional table with scalar values in each column.
- Parameters:
- arm_name
Spectrograph arm name (‘blue’, ‘green’, or ‘red’)
- Returns:
- DXU like table with the following columns:
WAVE: Wavelength array [Å],
FLUX: Spectral flux without sky [adu]
ERR_IVAR: Inverse variance without sky [1/adu²]
QUAL: Quality mask (always 0)
FLUX_NOSS: Spectral flux including sky [adu]
ERR_IVAR_NOSS: Inverse variance including sky [1/adu²]
SENSFUNC: Sensitivity function [erg/(s cm² Å)/adu]
Show the blue arm spectrum of the simulated observation:
>>> dxu.per_arm_spectrum('blue')
<QTable length=7358>
Angstrom adu 1 / adu2 ... erg / (Angstrom adu s cm2)
float32 float32 float32 ... float32
-------- ------- ---------- ... --------------------------
3700.25 38.05 0.02028342 ... 1.26434e-17
3700.50 33.53 0.02023901 ... 1.26069e-17
... ... ... ... ...
5539.50 66.58 0.01129934 ... 1.29172e-17
HDUList with a L1 DXU compatible representation for a single arm
This basically creates a table with per_arm_spectrum()
and converts it into a L1 DXU conform FITS HDUList. Different
from the original table, the HDUList is column oriented: There
is only one table row, and all values of a column are squashed
into an array that goes into this row.
Also, the table comes with VO conform metadata, f.e. with UCD
and UTYP for each column.
- Parameters:
- arm_name
Spectrograph arm name (‘blue’, ‘green’ or ‘red’)
- Returns:
(Almost) L1 DXU conform HDUList
Create the HDU list for the blue arm L1 output:
>>> hdulist = dxu.per_arm('blue')
>>> hdulist[0].header['PRODCATG']
>>> hdulist[1].name
>>> hdulist[1].header['T*2']
TTYPE2 = 'FLUX ' / Spectral flux
TFORM2 = '7358E ' / Data format of field
TUNIT2 = 'adu ' / Physical unit of field
TDISP2 = 'F7.2 ' / Display format for field
TDIM2 = '(7358) ' / Array dimension of field
TCOMM2 = 'Spectral flux' / Verbal description of field
TUCD2 = 'phot.flux.density;meta.main;stat.uncalib' / UCD for field
TUTYP2 = 'Spectrum.Data.FluxAxis.Value' / UType for field
>>> QTable.read(hdulist[1])
<QTable length=1>
WAVE [7512] FLUX [7512] ... SENSFUNC [7512]
Angstrom adu ... erg / (adu Angstrom cm2 s)
float32 float32 ... float32
------------------ ------------------ ... ------------------------------
3671.50 .. 5549.25 21.07 .. 58.84 ... 1.52402e-17 .. 1.07370e-17
Return the calibrated L1 table with the joined data.
This converts the input (CCD) values (given in adu) into the energy
flux at the telescope’s entrance.
The sensitivity functions from the separate arms are not
included in the joined table, but can be retrieved with the
retrieved with the sensitivity()
Note that different from the DXU description, this is a
conventional table with scalar values in each column.
- Returns:
- Calibrated spectrum table with the following columns:
WAVE: Wavelength array [Å],
FLUX: Spectral flux without sky [/adu]
ERR_FLUX: Inverse variance without sky [erg/(s cm² Å)/adu]
QUAL: Quality mask (always 0)
FLUX_NOSS: Spectral flux including sky [erg/(s cm² Å)/adu]
ERR_FLUX_NOSS: Inverse variance including sky
[erg/(s cm² Å)/adu]
SENSFUNC: Sensitivity function [erg/(s cm² Å)/adu]
Show the joined spectrum of the simulated observation:
>>> dxu.joined_spectrum()
<QTable length=23198>
Angstrom erg / (Angstrom s cm2) ... erg / (Angstrom s cm2)
float32 float32 ... float32
-------- ---------------------- ... ----------------------
3700.25 4.81067e-16 ... 8.87755e-17
3700.50 4.22690e-16 ... 8.86166e-17
... ... ... ...
9499.50 3.41822e-16 ... 1.74843e-17
Create a L1 DXU HDUList with the joined spectrum
This basically creates a table with joined_spectrum()
and converts it into a L1 DXU conform FITS HDUList. Different
from the original table, the HDUList is column oriented: There
is only one table row, and all values of a column are squashed
into an array that goes into this row.
Also, the table comes with VO conform metadata, f.e. with UCD
and UTYP for each column.
- Returns:
(Almost) L1 DXU conform HDUList
Create the HDU list for the joined spectrum:
>>> hdulist = dxu.joined()
>>> hdulist[1].header['T*2']
TTYPE2 = 'FLUX ' / Spectral flux
TFORM2 = '23198E ' / Data format of field
TUNIT2 = 'erg Angstrom-1 s-1 cm-2' / Physical unit of field
TDISP2 = 'E13.5 ' / Display format for field
TDIM2 = '(23198) ' / Array dimension of field
TCOMM2 = 'Spectral flux' / Verbal description of field
TUCD2 = 'phot.flux.density;meta.main' / UCD for field
TUTYP2 = 'Spectrum.Data.FluxAxis.Value' / UType for field
>>> QTable.read(hdulist[1])
<QTable length=1>
WAVE [23411] ... ERR_FLUX_NOSS [23411]
Angstrom ... erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)
float32 ... float32
------------------ ... ------------------------------
3671.50 .. 9524.00 ... 9.53169e-17 .. 1.75297e-17